Naguru Apartments, Kampala, Uganda
Phase I represents the initial stage of Residential Apartment development for the Naguru/Nakawa ‘New Kampala’ Masterplan, Kampala, Uganda. The development consists of 969 Apartments with Neighbourhood Retail and Food + Beverage Outlets. The Tower elements rose to 25 Floors maximising views across Kampala.
The project brief for Phase I was for a Residential Development consisting mainly of larger family type units. Communal outdoor living space was also to be provided that would accommodate the new occupants with passive overlooking surveillance for a safe and secure environment. In accordance with the overall vision for the Masterplan the central landscaped zone incorporates walkways and water feature that will link through to the rest of the Masterplan in the future.
The concept is for a series of ‘finger’ blocks to maximise the views from the elevated site without compromising the future development plots that are located deeper into the site.
Along the frontage of Naguru Road a series of towers are located undulating in height and providing magnificent views over Kampala. These Towers will signify the ‘New Kampala’ Masterplan Development to the city forming a striking addition to the Kampala skyline.
Each tower returns into the site and lower infill blocks at 3 storeys allow views trough the site to be maintained. The arrangement of the blocks forms a semi public courtyard with swimming pools and recreation areas for the residents.
Dividing the overall plot for phase I, a lineal park is created that retains the existing mature trees and allows a pedestrian route through the site. This area is at natural ground level and can sustain an intense planting program to compliment the existing trees and potential water course features that can be utilised as storm-water retention.
A new Public Space with neighbourhood retail and cafes is proposed in the north east corner of the plot that will connect with the proposed Phase II and create a civic centre for the scheme as the project develops further towards the heart of the proposed Masterplan.